Membership Benefits

Be part of the HPC community

Eurolab4HPC aims to build a growing network, offering the members of the Eurolab4HPC community a platform to start collaborating, carry out joint research projects, share information, and work towards a joint European vision for HPC research.

Kickstarting entrepreneurship in HPC

The members of the Eurolab4HPC will be supported to experience the complete innovation pipeline from general purpose entrepreneurial training, over ideation, innovation, business prototyping, business plan development up to help with funding.

Stimulate technology transfer in HPC

Members can participate in dedicated Eurolab4HPC innovation workshops or industry days in which industry and academic researchers meet and exchange ideas. Eurolab4HPC offers financial incentives for a number of technology transfer projects.

To facilitate this Eurolab4HPC offers:

  • invitations to attend innovation workshops, such as industry days;
  • the opportunity to participate in innovation actions such as the short collaborations and technology transfer projects;
  • the opportunity to contribute to the update of the Eurolab4HPC Vision;
  • a financial incentive to attend the Eurolab4HPC workshops or take part in the innovation actions organized by Eurolab4HPC.